Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 192-"You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!"

In Gilmore Girls Season Two Lorelai is planning her wedding to Max.  Knowing how much Lorelai and her daughter Rory love food, they both can't resist tasting wedding cakes.  Rory asks, "Is it right to be sampling wedding cakes when Sookie's making ours for free? Lorelai asks back, "What is right anyway, you know? Who defines right?  And if eating cake is wrong, I don't want to be right!"  Don't you miss this TV show?!

Yesterday, I did my share of tasting wedding cakes at Katrina Rozelle in Alamo.  I forgot to take a picture of the delicious display of petite cakes before I dived in so the plate is a bit messy, but that just let's you know how delighted I was to try them all.  Yes, I chose a flavor called "Obsession" for Chad's and Jenessa's wedding cake:  'a yummy plain chocolate mousse resting between layers of devil's food cake, finished with dark chocolate ganache and classic chocolate piping' for the bottom layer to be cut.  The top layer will have whole raspberries folded into the rich chocolate mousse.  Both layers will be covered with buttercream ruffle frosting.  This gorgeous wedding cake will be one of the longstanding traditions followed as Chad and Jenessa share in slicing and serving the cake to each other.  I remember when Rick and I served each other our cake over 34 years ago . . . !
May 9, 1981

Wedding Cake Testing by
Katrina Rozell
Lorelai and Rory Tasting Wedding Cakes

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