Monday, March 9, 2015

Day 190-Lasting Love

All winter long clouds obscure the sun
and fear with gloom grow within my heart.
Mountains emerge from hills as the sky darkens
and the snow deepens, seemingly insurmountable.

Where is the spring God promises me,
the warmth and light leading to eternity?
What is this spring that I dream of,
is it not the hope of God's love?

Only I forgot that His love is lasting;
no care for the season or time passing.
I allow the darkness to invade
and loneliness lingers till I kneel and pray.

Softly the still small voice speaks of God's love:
recollections of spring from Him above
whispering "Press forward with a steadfastness in Christ"
and over the mountains laden with ice will He guide.

I replace my uncertainty with childlike faith
relying upon Him to show the way.
I replace my despair with service and joy again
having "a love of God and of all men".
I replace my fear with radiant hope
and though the earth is still white with snow,
I learn how much God loves me so.

I first wrote this poem in the spring of 1986 and tweaked it today on this sunny afternoon thinking of how we have it so lovely here this winter unlike the incredible cold and icy winter elsewhere.  We can't quite explain why life varies from place to place, home to home, season to season, year to year.  Challenges and hardships happen to everyone, but sometimes it seems so many get more than their fair share of troubles.  However, God is aware of each of us and our circumstances so wherever we are, we can do our part to reach out and help those around us.  And even though the sun may be shining on the outside, hearts may be troubled still on the inside.  As we listen to the Spirit, we will know who needs us and they will know when we need them.  Each of us has a part to play and though it may seem small and insignificant, we can be God's hands and make a difference to those around us.  God's love makes the world a better place whether in the winter or nearing spring.  My favorite scripture verses come from the Book of Mormon in 2 Nephi 31:19-20 and they are the quotes in this poem.

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