Sunday, March 8, 2015

Day 189-Wedding Planning

I go to bed with lots and
lots of thoughts . . . .
Bridesmaids dresses
or skirts and tops?
Off white or blue
round tablecloths?
Details, parts that
make the whole,
swirl about and
take their toll.
Will I sleep the
night through
or wake up
with ideas anew?
My eyelids slowly
drop to dream
and I see my
baby girl it seems
all grown up
in lovely lace
her radiant face
shines with grace.
The only details
I recollect
are those where
she is happiest.
I nod off to
sleep as she
holds his hand
across the alter
and says yes.

Choosing the venue with Jenessa and Chad
February 14, 2015

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