Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 184-Love Letters

I recall being in grade school and loving any word games, such as word scrambles or finding other words within a word.  I do not like numbers, but I always love letters.  So, of course, I enjoyed reading a friend's Facebook post today, which said:  "Describe me in one word using the first letter of your name."  Letters make up words that become nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.  Tonight, I was intrigued by adjectives or words that name an attribute linked to a noun.  Thus, I thought I would describe my husband using the first letter of my name:  C.  Rick is caring, charitable, conscientious, committed, compassionate, and constant.  This is just one beginning letter which could include so many other beginning letters that endear me to him. 

Sometimes life gets so busy, I am guilty of neglecting my husband.  For example, I am pretty sure he is trying hard not to fall asleep while I write this blog.  Oh, how I need to write earlier in the day which is a goal of mine so I can spend more time with my husband.   I want Rick to always know that I love and appreciate him.  In addition, I love that my nickname is within Rick's given name Richard.  I mentioned in the first sentence of this blog that I love finding words within words.  Finding names within names is similar, wouldn't you agree?  

Rick with his granddaughter Mae
Visiting the Munsons in Louisiana 2014

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