Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day 185-Be Creative Even When You Don't Think You Are

Remember when we use to finger paint in preschool and elementary school and we loved it?  What kind of things would you like to do if you did not think you had to be very good at it?  Would you try to paint or bake or write or sing?  Maybe you will like something you try so much that it makes life worthwhile because you enjoy it.  I have started taking tennis lessons on Fridays not because I am good at it, but because I thoroughly enjoy it.  So go ahead and try something you have not done for a while or that you have never done, but have wanted to do. Paint, draw, walk, run, horseback ride, cook, sew, decorate, play an instrument, speak another language, dance, act, invent and so much more.  If it turns out that you are good at it that is wonderful, but what is most important is that you have fun.

Juliann sewing her mama a
beautiful sailboat quilt for
our Lake Tahoe cabin, 2008

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