Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 141-Blue Dye

I purchased new jeans and they turn anything that rubs against them blue from me, to the couch, to my car driver's seat, and finally to my very nice purse.  I forgot about doing a vinegar rinse to help set the dye. However, today I have proceeded to try to get the blue dye off my sofa and off my purse while doing the long-awaited vinegar rinse of my jeans. This is one of those tips that if I had remembered, perhaps I would not be worrying about possible permanent blue stains everywhere.  I feel like I am Sally in The Cat in the Hat trying to get the spots to disappear.  Thing 1 and Thing 2 have not appeared so the house is not a wreck, but I still have a few messes to clean up that are blue. How many times in life do we forget those Hints from Heloise, Pearls of Great Price, or Words of Wisdom that would make life better if followed.  I for one love the color blue.  I even have a blue couch upstairs, but that does not mean I want a blue one downstairs too.

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