Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day 142-Connection

I wake up and check my cell.
A text message or two are waiting. . .
One daughter answers my question
from the night before:
"It's called four-packet roast.
I will send you the recipe."
Another daughter writes,
"Not feeling well."
And another texts,
"Can't wait to get our nails done together;
see you this afternoon."
I text back and forth a couple of times
with each of them.
Later we call each other during the day.
"Both boys are asleep.  I need a nap too."
I ask her to take a picture and text it to me.
"Wasn't it sweet he brought me soup for lunch?"
"I have so much homework,
 but I love my classes."
I am thankful for texts and chats.
"Would you choose canvas or wood?"
"Should I wear my hair up or down?"
"What do you think about bangs?"
I am grateful for chitchat.
"I just finished the best book
that I think you would like."
"How is Dad?"
"I miss the family; let's Face Time."
I love heart-to-hearts and LOLz.
Connection is in simple details:
to be heard, felt, loved, and valued
through words spoken, texts and emojis.

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