Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 81-Life is in the Details

Today I was concerned about getting Jenessa's package in the mail so she would receive it before Thanksgiving that I completely forgot to write Happy Thanksgiving anywhere inside or outside the box. I did write her a quick note for inside the box, but as I became completely absorbed in the thought that this was her last package I would send her while still a missionary in Florida, the thanksgiving part of the note completely left my mind.  I realized the absence of this detail after the package was addressed, sealed and driven to the post office. I pondered its absence some more as I stood behind the counter at the post office being assured her package would arrive well before Thanksgiving.  

I had been caught up in the task at hand that I missed out on an important detail of remembering the reason for the package in the first place. I had meant to tell Jenessa how thankful I was for her in my life. She has truly been an example of loving kindness and service as an amazing sister missionary these past 18 months.  Her Christlike love, faith, steadfastness, knowledge, and testimony have strengthened many others and myself. She has a remarkable gift of bringing sunshine into people's lives and is a blessing to all that come to know her.  What a privilege it is to be her mother!

If life is in the details which I believe it is, then I have set up an I Spy game to find the details in these photos from today:

1. a candle
2. a Christmas tree
3. a fire hydrant
4. a green wreath
5. a mailbox
6. a security sign
7. four tall redwood trees (hint: one tree has three trunks, but it is only one tree)
8. six red-leafed trees
9. eight lights on outside
10.  blessed rain in California (hint: wet street)

Happy Thanksgiving Jenessa~  
Home and family are waiting for your return
three weeks from tomorrow!

These gorgeous red leaves will most likely fall 
from the trees before you are home, but Christmas lights 
of red and white will sparkle upon your arrival!

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