Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day 67-Build-A-Bond

This evening I took my two oldest grandchildren to Build-A-Bear where they proceeded to have a fabulous time creating Elsa the Bear and Michelangelo the Ninja Turtle. From adding in hearts that beat and songs they sing to giving them air baths after they are stitched, Mae and Henry loved every minute of the experience.  Since they offer so many choices of animals and characters from bears to rabbits to Rudolphs to Spidermen, perhaps a better name for the chain would be Build-A-Bond.  I had just as much fun as the children!

I can remember so vividly going on a field trip to the original Build-A-Bear in San Francisco when their mother, Juliann, was in kindergarten.  How is it possible these are her children and that much time has passed? Being a chaperone on Juliann's field trip where she actually saw where they put the fabrics together to make the bears in the back room and then was able to see them be filled with fluff thrilled her and me.  When I am not in Utah, I must look for the picture of Juliann on this field trip to add to this post so Mae and Henry will share a moment with their mommy separated only by time.  For me, the shared experiences stitch and bind us together from one special moment to the next which all become lovely Mommeries.
Mae and Henry

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