Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 64-Star of the Week

In the early afternoon, I had the privilege of introducing Mae as Star of the Week in her kindergarten class. Henry came too.  Our family history and our lives should be as simple as the questions asked of Mae: Where were you born?  How old are you now?  What are the things you like and don't like?  What will you be and do when you grow up? What are the things you are good at now? Mae answered all those and more as she stood in front of the class with a natural ease and confidence.  We both shared her poster she had made about herself. Once in a while Mae would whisper in my ear as if she were shy, but for the most part she spoke clearly and excitedly.  

The older we get, the more baggage, history, paper, and photos we carry. Sometimes we just need to sort through all of the things we think are important using a child's perspective. Less is best for  personal histories and so forth so that others will listen or read what you have written and not be bogged down with length or clutter.  I need to practice letting go and keeping only what matters most.  

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