Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 63-Nothing Says Love Like Grandma's Pumpkin Stew

Yesterday on a very blustery fall day in Utah, Grandma Joan made delicious pumpkin stew.  With the wind blowing leaves off the trees and the smell of pumpkin stew brewing in the pot, we felt cozy, warm, and safe inside from any ill wind that could blow our way.  I love when fall and winter weather set in, and the desire for familiar, comfort food sets in also. Juliann had made a large serving of chicken enchilada and bean crock pot soup so Mae, Henry and I were delighted to have our young adult friends join us for dinner today. Once again, something about hot food on the inside may help keep the chill to stay at bay till we have to venture out in it once more. Good food, family and friends bring with them warmth, kindness, and love. 

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