Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 2-Books and Rainbows

Only last week my daughter who is gifted at categorizing and organizing helped me move my books to another room in the house. Though I have given many away, and mostly own paperbacks, I love seeing their covers and touching their pages. Books remind me of places I have visited in my mind. On occasion, I have literally traveled to those places, but mostly I have been transported through my imagination.

Today I was reminded where my love affair with books began as I entered an elementary school library where I would work this week testing children. Posters covered the walls and books littered the shelves. I wanted to peruse the library to find my favorite books I loved as a child: Dr. Seuss, Nancy Drew, Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden, and, of course, Charlotte's Web. Oh, and I must not leave out Little Women. I have my grandchildren even call me Marme as the March girls from Little Women affectionately call their mother. After school, I visited with the librarian who happens to be a friend. She invited me to sit down in one of the children's small plastic chairs, and we had a good visit surrounded by lovely children's stories. 

Yes, pure contentment. A quote from one of my old time favorite books Rosamunde Pilcher's The Shell Seekers comes to mind: "What a happy woman I am, living in a garden, with books, babies, birds and flowers. Sometimes I feel as if I were blest above all my fellows in being able to find happiness so easily."

And it is this very reason, the fact that I am so blessed even when there are days the clouds loom and the birds don't sing, I have chosen to create this blog containing people and things that matter most. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said in the April 2014 General Conference: "When we are grateful to God in our circumstances, we can experience gentle peace in the midst of tribulation . . . . How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God there is rain?"

I love rainbows just like my mother and I want to see more of them during the middle of the rain and after.  It is all in our attitude and perspective whether we see more of God's hand in our lives.  The little library did just that for me.

My mom holding me in our backyard

A double rainbow outside my home


  1. My favorite quote from The Shell Seekers has always been, "As they sat there, in companionable silence, a sound reached there ears--the bottom gate being opened..." Companionable silence--love that!
    I recently saw a mutual friend from Northgate days, whom I hadn't seen in years! We reflected upon FB friends--when your name was mentioned the friend responded--"Oh yes, Charlotte and Rick and their perfect life!" ;-)
    I hope all is well in your "perfect" life. ( I know...I know...it's all relative when we play the comparison game--this mutual friend has had a tough go )
    Say hi to your charming hubby Rick.
    Did you not get the memo about how we're supposed to be aging. You look the same!!!!
    Love President Uchtdorf's talk as well. Gratitude in ANY circumstance--such a guiding principle of truth!
    Carry on with the blog!

  2. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. Challenges and trials come into everyone's life, we are no exception, but it is true some seem to have more than their fair share. Carry on as well!

  3. Your finally writing!! We used to talk about this! You were so busy raising your family and keeping up with your other commitments you did not have time.. So glad you are using your talent and following your passion!! I am looking forward to reading your blog!

    1. Making a commitment to post every day has made me accountable so it is getting done so far. A week is hardly anything, but it is a start. I love doing it!
