Monday, September 1, 2014

Day 1-There Will Always Be Something In Our Inbox

We may finish our daily list; however, by the next day, or even within the next hour, there will be another "to do".  When we leave this Earth, there will indeed be things left undone, but what about while we are alive so busy doing, and yet never done?   There are so many directions to turn, people to serve, thoughts to ponder, and projects to do.  We tend to choose, if we even have that luxury, those demanding our immediate attention and leave those that may often be of equal or greater value for another day. Days become weeks, weeks become months, months become years, and our inbox is anything but current.

So, I have decided to grab hold of those "to do's" I push out of the way for one reason or another by sharing this blog to keep me focused and on task while doing something I have longed to do all my life:  write consistently!  Beginning this Labor Day 2014, I am going to begin a Labor of Love and write daily for 365 days about something I am prompted to create, do or think about in addition to caring for my family and my established "have to's" and "to do's".  It may simply be to clean out a drawer, organize some of my past writings, tackle that black hole of old photos, slides, and videos, visit a friend I have not seen for a long while, meditate while sitting in my backyard, print pictures to hang, read family letters, type up old journals or anything else that comes to heart and mind, and then to write about it.  

I have lived nearly ten years beyond what my father lived.  Every day is a gift!  So often I don't appreciate the choices and opportunities before me, and I waste precious minutes.  I am not seeking happiness for I am truly happy, even in life's challenges and trials.  I am wanting to develop gratitude as I take thought of the people and things that matter most.  This is not, however, a gratitude journal.  My entries will vary in subject, length, mechanical errors, and style as I discover my passion and voice in the form of the written word.  I hope to do more that matters, write fervently, and appreciate deeply with my family's and friends' encouragement, instruction, and love throughout this coming year of ordinary and extraordinary possibilities.

"It always seems impossible until it's done" (Mandela).  Thus, I am turning my "can'ts into CANS and dreams into PLANS" and taking action NOW!  You are invited to come along for the ride and share your own creations, passions and thoughts.  A bicycle built for two looks so much more inviting, don't you agree?!

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