Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 25-Please Don't Eat the Grub

Please Don't Eat the Daisies was a TV sitcom from 1965-1967 based on the book and movie.  The movie starred Doris Day and David Niven.  I remember watching the TV show as a six-year-old and loving it.  Yesterday morning, however, when I walked out my front door, I wanted to shout to the raccoons who were nowhere in sight and who have begun to ravage our lawn:  "Please don't eat the grub!"  Of course, the word daisies sounds so much prettier to say, but the raccoons are not eating daisies.  Instead, they are pulling back the grass, looking for grub, and ruining the lawn.  Grub season is upon us. In addition, it doesn't help that I have pansies planted in the front yard too, knowing soon the deer will head down the Las Trampas hills and into our front yard.  Pansies are to deer as daisies are to Meg Ryan in the movie You've Got Mail: "...Daisies are the friendliest flower." 

What will tomorrow morning bring?  We will have to be patient and wait to see.  Will my lawn, already looking rather dry from the California drought, have more holes in it?  Will layers of sod be peeled back?  Will my pansies be eaten?  One thing is for sure, I love having a new day to wake up to with all of its wonder even when pesky problems present themselves.

In those small or big challenges of life, we learn what we most need to know.  Some days we learn patience; other days we learn kindness.  Each new day is full of infinite positive possibilities if we choose to make it so. Abraham Lincoln once said:  "We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses."  I am  thankful I have lawn and gardens in the first place.

At five this morning I woke up to the pattering of rain which is a sound I have not heard since July 23, 2014 when I recorded the rare cloudburst that astonished us then.  Long before and since July, rain has been scarce where we live.  Even if the raccoons have returned, which they did but not as destructive, the day will be splendid because of the blessing of much needed rain. Looking at the rain  gutter full instead of empty is definitely a better way to view life, especially when it is so, but even when it is not.

Racoons love the grub in our lawn!

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