Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 23-What Matters to Him

As fast as she could 
she ran out the door
skirts, shirts, purse
packed--all ready to go.

She took a look back,
her steps still forward,
one quick squeeze
and hug goodbye. 

Eighteen months
away from family;
the making of a 
sister missionary began.

Rules obeyed
the Spirit followed
Friends found
Lessons taught

Early up
and on her knees
Scriptures studied
Goals set

Plans made
Months passed
Acts of kindness
Rendered with love

Inspiration sought
Roads traveled
Doors knocked
Truth shared

Seeds planted
Questions answered
Faith grown
Testimony unearthed

Lessons learned  
while becoming
 what she and others  
are meant to be:

Coming and going,
Beginning to end,
A disciple of Christ
is what matters to Him.

While serving in the Oakland Temple this morning, I had the privilege of helping four sister missionaries from the California Santa Rosa Mission.  No doubt, they each reminded me of my daughter Jenessa who is serving in the Florida Jacksonville Mission. Their sweet spirits touched my heart as I felt a deep sense of love and gratitude for them and missionaries everywhere, and the service they are giving.  In our daughter's letter and blog this week, her words inspired me:  

Heavenly Father doesn't define us by being the best teacher, or the best scriptorian, or the best baptizer, but by becoming like Christ.  At the last day, He is not going to total up my grades, my tithing, my church attendance, my acts of service.  All of it is going to fall away and I alone will stand.  He and I will clearly be able to see if I became that person; if I became that disciple.  The end is who you become--the means is all the things He asks us to do--because those things will help us BECOME disciples.  That is why He called me on a mission--because this process is helping me to become a disciple....My mission is priceless because of the precious lessons I am learning that are becoming a part of me.

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