Monday, September 22, 2014

Day 22-If You Feed Them, They Will Come!

In the 1989 movie Field of Dreams with Kevin Costner, The Voice shared this advice:  "If you build it, he will come."  Well, the same can be said about food.  If you feed them, they will come.  This evening fifty young adults, ages 18-30+, came to our backyard for a pizza-pool party.  We thought attendance would be less since so many had returned to college, but happily we were mistaken.  When I picked up the pizzas at Costco I had only six and I felt prompted to make it seven; all pizzas were eaten.  In addition, everyone who came brought fruit, chips, salad, or dessert to share and most of it disappeared as well.  

Food brings people together.  Whether we are in the kitchen preparing a meal, sitting around the table enjoying it, or cleaning the kitchen after, food connects us.  Our bodies and our spirits need nourishment.  Being in the good company of others as we eat feeds both.  

We are incredibly blessed to 'break bread' with the young adults from church.  Serving along side each other and learning together helps us all to become better people.  I especially love small group or one-on-one time to share thoughts, ideas, compassion, love, laughter, and fun.  And did I mention the common thread of food, and more food, and even more food?  So glad they keep coming!

Welcome Back Brittany Fuimaono (a.k.a. Sister Fui)!

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