Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 14-The Blessedness of Routine

A friend of mine has a grandson who just had brain surgery to remove a tumor.  The surgery happened on Friday, the day of his second birthday, and I have been praying for him ever since I learned about him. 

My mother-in-law who has truly become my mom has certain sayings she often repeats.  "Life can turn on a dime"  is one of those sayings.  One day we are in the routine of our lives; waking early each morning, praying, and getting ready for the day. Perhaps we exercise before we go to work or do chores at home.  On certain days we run errands, wash or grocery shop.  We may stop to fill our car with gas or mail a package.  We attend a meeting.  We have lunch with a friend.  We run carpools or take the car to get repaired.  We read and we study.  We cook dinner.  We attend events. We play.  We watch TV or even attempt to write a blog.  We say our prayers. We turn out the lights to rest so we can start all over again.  

But then, something happens that stops the blessedness of routine:  a child gets sick, a husband loses his job, a friend gets hurt and we wonder if life will ever be the same again.  Things happen in life.  Awful things.  Unfair things.  Things we want to change and can't.  Things we have to learn to overcome, or at least get through, and time stands still, but marches on all at the same time.  

We pray for life to return to routine:  an order of some kind that makes sense and brings peace to our hearts and faith to our souls.  For those days, weeks, and months that we feel grief, pain, and discouragement, we have our family and friends who surround us with their love and support.  And, even though routine is abandoned, clarity of mind can be found revealing what is important in life:  the people we love.  

I wrote the following poem for my youngest daughter Jenessa when she was only one. Twenty years have gone by but I remember it like yesterday.  I am grateful for those moments of routine, weary and tired, but incredibly blessed.

There Are Moments

Where has my life gone?
I lean against the wall
too tired to think I am holding it up--
I know it is holding me.

No time for me to catch my breath or have a care.
With a household of five little children under eleven
I wonder "Is this life on Earth like Heaven?"
Life fades into a blur of hurrying here to find there.

Ah, but there are moments:

Precious moments when I hear you cry,
steal down the stairs softly
and hold you tight
to comfort you from the night.

Kisses brushed away by your sweet hand
to heal a hurt, to mend a heart.
Blocks, legos spread about the floor; 
a mismatched sock found once more.

Moments nestled within life's demands:
"I need a shirt washed."
"We're out of Corn Pops."
The endless tasks go on.

Thoughtful moments when I may not hear the thanks,
but still recognize it on your smiling face.
Then out of the blue
comes a hug between carpools.

Frosting cakes and blowing up balloons;
another year is gone so soon.
Reading stories, sitting close;
nighttime prayers I treasure most.

With all the small ones tucked into bed,
I lean against the wall to rest my weary head.
'Tis then the moments of heaven I view
in sleeping children dreaming of angels too.

Where has my life gone?
Ah yes, now I see.
My life is peacefully 
present before me.

Charlotte May Hutchins
September 1994

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