Saturday, September 13, 2014

Day 13-Just Because I Did It

Nearly thirty years ago, the Ensign published a poem I wrote called "The Whisperings of Spring".  I did not intend to allow ten years, let alone thirty, to lapse, without seriously writing more.  However, life became busy with our family of seven, and I became distracted so my attempts at writing were scattered.  Thus, the old adage applies:  ‘better late than never’.  I have posted in this blog for almost two weeks, and each day I write is a success just because I did it.

This is my story albeit a bit late about carving out a brief moment in each day to do something not in my daily planner, and then to write about it.  Topics may include:  projects begun, perhaps some finished; creations of poetry and prose, old and new; memories of home, past and present; lessons taught and lessons learned; observations and ponderings; answers and truths with more questions to follow; memories of childhood and motherhood.  When all posts of this blog combine, they become a story of life and love--sorrows and grief, triumphs and joy that fill me with gratitude for each drop of spilled milk and laughter that follows.

This blog is simply my story that I hope will inspire you to write your own again and again, not waiting years to do so.  I am grateful for my kindred spirit Melia Fidel and her adoring father, and encouraged by my new friend Jamie Radcliffe who are my examples of following your heart within to pen a legacy of love for family and friends.

1986 Eliza R. Snow Poetry Contest, Ensign, March 1986
Honorable Mention

Whisperings of Spring

Snow was everywhere
And everywhere
Was silence
Until the sun spoke
Of the whisperings
Of spring.
The softened snow
Trickled onto the
Still-frozen stream
And the silence melted.
Darkness was everywhere
And everywhere
Was silence
Until the Son spoke
Of the whisperings
Of hope.
The Savior’s love
Distilled onto the
Garden where He knelt
And the silence gave way to spring.

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