Sunday, July 17, 2016

Week 45-Snuggies

My great niece loves her stuffed elephant she named Snuggies along with her blankie that her older sister gave to her.  We were so glad to be able to return her elephant and blanket to her safe and sound.  In life, we all need snuggies of some sort.  They could be soft blankets we curl up in as we watch TV and sip our chocolate milk like my grandchildren do.  Snuggies to me are our favorite and familiar people, places, and things that make us feel secure, protected, and loved.

I began to ponder what I consider "Snuggies" in my life: Rick, my sweet children and grandchildren, dear family and friends, books with actual bindings to touch and read, paper and pens, blankies made especially for me, the soft breeze through the redwoods, the blue of Tahoe, the smell of apple-cinammon candles, the taste of apple-cinnamon donuts, full moons, chocolate chip cookie dough, Christmas lights, the sound of the ebb and flow of the ocean, warm fluffy socks, green hills, cherry blossoms, cherry almond Jergen's lotion, sunsets, my husband's hand in mine. . . the list is endless which means I feel blessed.

Our great nieces along with their daddy and mommy
 stopped by our cabin in Tahoe before leaving
on their next adventure to say goodbye. 
Luckily, we were able to bring Snuggie 
and blankie with us from Alamo! 

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