Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 205-Writer's Block is Real

It has happened!  No ideas this week!  Mostly, I think my mind is on other matters, mainly wedding planning, that has left little or no room for creative thinking.  My lists are growing with more and more details.  Today I almost ordered the candy for the favors, but my computer would not allow my credit card to go through.  After two phone calls to the candy company, I learned that their computer system was the one having the problem.  I tried again to make the order this evening with the same result.  Oh well, there is always tomorrow.  

Tomorrow for more computer glitches or perhaps successes.  Tomorrow for more writer's block or perhaps muses aplenty.  Tomorrow with more added on to the list or perhaps more crossed off the list.  Tomorrow with new beginnings or further mistakes.  Tomorrow for lovely flowers and sunshine or gloom and doom.  I hope I am prepared for whatever comes and grateful for it, good or bad, because I was given the gift of another day.

A gorgeous rose in Canada
 I have not forgotten 
on one of those Todays
that became a Yesterday
which was once a Tomorrow!

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