Friday, February 20, 2015

Day 173-Tender Mercies

This morning we received a text saying that our grandson Hugh had hit his forehead on a cement step. Ironically, he was just about to go and see his pediatrician for his regular checkup.  Many hours later after a CT scan and four hours of observation, Huey is home happy and doing better.  In fact, I don't believe I have ever seen a happier baby, even with all that has happened to him today.  We are so grateful for prayers that were answered today.  God's tender mercies have certainly blessed our family.  We love our brave Huey and his sweet momma Juliann!  

Bath time at the end of a scary day!

Huey after his accident this morning.

Huey is such a happy baby even on 
such a bad, awful day.

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