Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 169-Floating Lanterns

Our family watched the movie Tangled yesterday evening and I loved the idea of Rapunzel feeling wonder and hope as she saw the floating lanterns out her tower window though she was not in the best of situations. Floating lanterns in the night sky are a symbol of hope and good wishes.  We are able to find light even in the dark.  Floating lanterns or hope illuminate our path providing optimism and happiness no matter our circumstances.  In President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk 'Grateful in Any Circumstances',  he advises: "Could I suggest that we see gratitude as a disposition, a way of life that stands independent of our current situation?  In other words, I'm suggesting that instead of being thankful for things, we focus on being thankful in our circumstances--whatever they may be."  This means that we must trust God and persevere in good times and in hard times.  

Sometimes it is easy to see what is not going well with our lives that we forget the things that are actually going rather splendidly:  the simple yet marvelous things we take for granted, such as rising each morning to a new day, a colorful bloom on a bush or tree in the early spring, a parent and child saying I love you, a smile, and a hug.  The list of blessings can fill a page if we just pick up a pen and begin writing.  I am particularly thankful tonight for capturing a moment in time while we were at dinner with Jenessa and her boyfriend Chad underneath what looks like floating lanterns in the trees~an essence of hope and happiness all in one.

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