Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 149-"Perfectly Imperfect"

I am going to try to write earlier in the day, knowing that is not always possible.  I feel if I do I will be less tired and more focused.  Perhaps I will even have more creativity. Some times I would like my own muse.  I thought too that if this were a job and I had a deadline, perhaps I would try to beat the deadline.  As it is, midnight is my deadline since one of my goals is to post each day.  This goal to post is actually a selfish one because it helps me be accountable to myself to actually do it.  So far it is working.  I check my stats on Blogspot every once in a while to see how many of you read this, but that just helps me understand what topics interest others or whether I chose a fun photo for that day's post.  I want to give this blog more time and energy and lately have not had either one, but I am carving out more time in the future hoping for renewed inspiration.  It is interesting that my creative juices often follow the seasons, and in winter I feel as if I want to hibernate instead of write or at least curl up with a good book and a warm blanket.  

With that in mind, I have found a thought-provoking book written by Brene Brown entitled The Gifts of Imperfection and am taking her course online which some of my friends have already completed and found inspiring.  One of the things I was asked to do in the first lesson was to create a permission slip in my journal.  So, as I often do, I thought of my writings and how I tend to edit early and too much instead of allowing my words to flow.  I am giving myself permission to let go of my own fears, expectations and insecurities as I write and let whatever I write be "perfectly imperfect".

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