Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 121-Toys On The Shelf

Brett, Juliann and their three children left this morning to drive home to Utah; Rick, Jenessa and I follow them tomorrow.  How fast these two and a half weeks have gone since Jenessa came home from her mission. Today was a day to say goodbye to children and grandchildren, set the house back in order knowing Christmas decorations will have to wait to be put away, and pack for our excursion across Nevada to Utah. Books and toys our grandchildren played with are put back neatly on the shelf to be played with when they visit again.  The holidays were nearly perfect, except for Cameron not being with us.  However, Cameron had a happy Christmas in Canada as seen in the picture from the John Volken Academy.  Just as the toys are waiting for small hands to play with them, Cameron's family awaits his return many months from now with open arms.  

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