Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day 102-Eilat Stone

As I try to wrap my head around the idea that my daughter Jenessa will be home tomorrow evening, I can hardly believe it.  From imagining her stepping off the plane and walking through the terminal to holding her close, I am thrilled at the prospect.  Before Jenessa left on her mission, she gave me a matching ring to wear that she had purchased for us at the end of her four-month study abroad in Jerusalem.  Each ring is made of an Eilat stone which is the National stone of Israel, and is also known as the King Solomon Stone.  She wore hers and I wore mine throughout her mission to remind us of each other; they are our mother-daughter rings.  The rings are beautiful just as she is; however, I will be glad to have her in front of me and not just the ring to remind me that she is real!

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