Saturday, October 18, 2014

Day 48-Just Strolling Along

Today has been a lovely day as I took my grandson for a walk in the stroller.  We knocked on friends' doors who were not home, and left them text messages we had stopped by.  We wandered down bumpy roads seeing and hearing cars pass, dogs bark, and others walk or jog with the sun beaming down on us.  I suspect we both liked the leisure pace but it is a bit difficult to ask an eight month old.  Life is rather rushed so having an excuse to pause and notice life around us is rather nice. The leaves on the trees have begun to change colors and fall randomly from their branches; pumpkins line neighbors' doorsteps.  I like the idea of strolling, not every day of course, for we may not get much done in life.  However, there are days we need to ramble in the woods or along country roads soaking up our surroundings alone or with the people we love.  

My Sweet Grandson Hugh

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