Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day 46-Guest Rooms Bid Welcome

fresh linens washed and beds made
feathered pillows fluffed
blankets neatly folded
waiting for someone to
slide beneath, curl up
and fall fast asleep

bedside tables with a book
touches of blooms in a vase
chocolate wrapped in fine foil
a warm glow from a candle
a pumpkin scent floating in the air

crisp, autumn chill tiptoes in
as a gentle breeze brushes by
soft light filters in
from opened windows

snuggle deeper under the covers
with a magazine to peruse
more books on the shelves to read

no alarm clock to disturb
no schedule to keep

just time to nap and sleep~hush world

Preparing for company is one of my absolute
favorite things to do!

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