Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 43-'Charlotte's Web'

Yesterday, my friend Janna introduced to the young adult women a creative activity writing down adjectives to describe other people's positive traits inside a spider web drawn on paper.  We each had our own paper web with our name on the top, then passed it around for others to write on.  The web illustrated that these qualities that other's see in us need to stick so that when we are having a difficult time, we can refer to it and our self esteem does not detach and disappear.  Specifically, the droplets of glue the spider uses on a web suggests to us that we need to do the same with our value and self esteem so they will stick with us. We need to remember and retain the good qualities that make up our positive attitudes toward our self.  I love this idea!

What are some of the positive adjectives that describe you?  My web is going on my closet wall where I keep many favorite quotes, cards, pictures and letters that make me feel happy.  I named mine 'Charlotte's Web' which I can of course!  Furthermore, a gal on my dorm floor freshman year of college was named Charlotte Webb, I promise.  Honest is one of my adjectives on my web.  Just ask Wilbur who is described best by Charlotte the Spider as "Some Pig".  We all are "Something Special"!

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