Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day 42-All You Need is Love and Tennis

                   L          O          V         E          



          L          O          V         E

I love to play tennis though I am not very good at it.  I love sprinting across the court for a tennis ball. Forehand, backhand, baseline, net, ground strokes, lobs~goodness, I am lucky to get the ball over the net from wherever I am standing.  Whether playing singles or doubles, scoring begins with Love-Love, then 15/30/40/Deuce/Advantage/Game.   I really don't care about winning; I am all about playing.  

Tennis makes me aware that every part of my body is alive, but not regularly exercised.  The next day I can hardly get up and down the stairs without feeling sore muscles.  That is a wonderful feeling for I am grateful to move, breathe, run, jump, and so much more.
I especially like to play tennis with Rick even though he is so much better than me.  He is a good sport and we laugh while encouraging the other.  Tennis keeps us young and alive as we do something together we both enjoy.  Tennis begins with love, and we end in love just like we began.

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