Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 32-In the Bowl of My Spoon

I went to the moon
in the bowl of a spoon 
in the bowl of a kitchen ladle.

I saw from this place
everywhere there was space
overhead and beyond my cradle.

Amid this expanse
alone in a trance
I had time to look and to listen.

The heavens are happy--
the sun, moon and stars--
are a gift for children like me.

In the middle of night
morning stretched forth bright
as endless stars gleamed peace, joy and light.

By the glow of the stars
I said goodbye to the moon
and came home in the bowl of my spoon.

I recall this night 
in my dreams when I knew
 God's creations are blessings for me and you.

We called my mom's mom Nano.  She would often tell me:  "I went to the moon in the bowl of a spoon in the bowl of a kitchen ladle" so I thought it would be fun to write a poem with her beginning.    I am not sure if she made it up or she remembered it from someone or something else.  I played with the idea of a poem in March 1991 and did some tweaking tonight 23 years later.  Nano would tell me that she loved the moon and so do I.  My children and I would often follow the moon home as we drove in the car.  I am grateful for all of God's light:  the sun, the moon, and the stars and His words of truth.

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