Monday, September 8, 2014

Day 8-Loving is in the Giving

I gave thinking I was
Not expecting anything in return.
Yet, I waited . . .
Longing for you to give a smile,
To reach out and squeeze my hand
To show my caring had been received and accepted.

Not realizing, I thought by caring
I could change you--somehow
Make you happy and at peace again.
Why could I not do this?
The answer gently came.
The I had to be you.
Only you can change you.

Still I will keep on giving
No matter the outcome.
For in the caring and the giving
Unconditional love is found.

I originally wrote this poem in the early nineties for a dear friend.  Much later the words echoed in my heart as I learned this lesson all over again with my son.  This morning as I drove to the elementary school that I am temporarily working at, I was waiting at a stoplight when the sun broke out from behind a cloud and warmed my face and hands.  Like the sun, our Heavenly Father's Son brings great light, but it is up to us to receive His light, life, and love and show that same compassion for others with no thought of acknowledgement or reward.  Unconditional love is a gift with no strings attached.

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