Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 11-Only the Day Before

Only the day before September 11, 2001, I had driven the children to school and returned home excited to swim laps in our pool before I ran errands and did my to do's on what was sure to be a very warm day.  We had a rule that the children should not swim alone so I purposely stayed in the shallow end myself, probably not getting a great work out, but playing it safe.  After my laps, I flipped to my back.  As I floated I gazed up at the most beautiful cloudless blue sky.  Everything was calm, peaceful and lovely.  I recall a knock at the door shortly after my swim; Uncle Don had popped in for a quick visit from Arizona during his business trip to California.  Ordinary activities took place the rest of the day.  At the end of the evening, we said family prayer followed by our family cheer and were off to sleep.

On the day of September 11, 2001, my children were nearly ready for school when my husband Rick phoned from work in SF to tell me that something horrible was happening in NY.  For my children's sake I wish I had not turned on the TV before I drove them to school.  (Too late.)  The TV showed the burning towers and then the South Tower collapsed. Thirty minutes later the North Tower collapsed.  Moreover, our oldest daughter was a freshman in college far away; she was concerned for her suite mate's father in Washington DC after hearing about the plane that crashed into the Pentagon.  Fear and disbelief, pain and anguish took the  place of serenity and peace, joy and innocence that had existed only the day before. The beautiful cloudless blue sky of yesterday disappeared in hearts across America to be filled with massive clouds of death, destruction, dust and smoke.

The hours, days and weeks following September 11, 2001, out of the ashes, the American spirit rose with hope, courage, unity, love, and a promise to never forget.

Thirteen years later on September 11, 2014, I wonder if we are keeping our promise?

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