Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 5-Christmas in Costco

"Christmas in Costco" sounds like it could be a title of a favorite short story that you would read during the Holidays.  Perhaps a child gets lost in the massive warehouse, but instead of being anxious or sad, he is thrilled with all the toys and books that are apparently all his for a little while.  There would even be pajamas to wear, a blanket to keep you warm, and a sofa to curl up in.   We already know there would be plenty of goodies to eat.  In the end, of course, he would miss his family and want to go home, unless he could talk them into moving there with him.  I am sure they could find plenty of chairs and a TV to watch their favorite Christmas movies.  They could even change the title of Home Alone to Costco Alone.  On second thought, have you ever seen Costco empty?  Our short story would be very short indeed since I doubt our lost boy would be lost for very long!

Today while shopping at Costco,  I did not find a lost child, but I did find Christmas in Costco.  Snowmen and Santas, ribbon and lights adorned the front aisle near the check stands.  Halloween costumes appeared in August and Christmas decorations in early September.  I hope I am not expected to have my holiday planning, decorating, and shopping done by October, but it did make me think:  'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' so I had better make a list of my own along with being extra nice.

PS  My daughter who is serving in the Jacksonville Florida Mission will be home December 12 so you can bet I will be prepared for the holidays by then so I can enjoy every minute I have with her home after 18 months!

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