Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 6-1600 Weekends

There are just over 1600 weekends until I reach the average life expectancy of 86 years for a woman.  Maggie Smith, 79, who currently stars as Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham on Downton Abbey, once asked in an episode "What is a weekend?" A weekend begins Friday evening and ends Sunday evening, and is often a time for leisure.  The hours of my weekend often include date nights, chores, errands, relaxation, friends, family, and church.  Today has been an exceptional Saturday with errands, a game of tennis, practicing piano, beginning a project to update frames and photos with my husband spurring me on, and a date to the movies to see The 100-Foot Journey.  In particular, looking at photos and seeing my children grow up before my eyes makes me realize once again time passes quickly.  And as this Saturday comes to a close and the weekend is half over, I am reminded to cherish these precious days and to use them wisely.


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