Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 177-Planning and Organizing

When other things seem to be out of my control, I tend to start organizing the things I can control.  Like a week ago when I organized my pantry.  Today I have done a different type of organizing.  I calendared and planned, even though I have learned to be flexible.  What is it about planning, organizing, and following through that makes me feel so happy?  It is that semblance of determination and discipline while planning and then carrying out that plan even if it does not exist in other parts of my life.  For me, I know it can exist for a moment when I am organizing or following through on something I have planned.  In addition, when organizing I love to give things away or throw them away if they can't be used by someone else.  I feel lighter and more free.  You would not know this by all the knick knacks I have collected, but mostly relinquishing those things that no longer matter feels good.  This does not mean I don't like to be spontaneous.  I like and need to be  somewhat planned and organized along with the desire to be flexible and spontaneous.  I am grateful for the time I had today to just take a breath and regroup.  Now I think I will be spontaneous and sit in the sunshine for a few moments and just be.

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