Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 130-A Bit Blue

I am grateful for my son Ryan being home studying for his last CPA exam which he takes tomorrow.  I am so proud of him for his perseverance.  We ate lunch together and his presence brings me peace and comfort. Since I just got back in town, today is the first day I have had to begin to take down Christmas decorations.  The anticipation putting up the decorations is followed by a touch of sadness as I take them down and realize the holidays are over.  More importantly, I wonder if Cameron will be with us next Christmas as I hug his stocking and cry.  My heart aches for his presence to share in all of the fond memories we have been making.  He is struggling so  I am saying extra prayers for him.  Heavenly Father is teaching us patience to be sure.  Yet I am thankful Cameron keeps trying. There is no success without many, many tries and trials. On a less blue note, I have walked nearly 7000 steps today before and after I worked out with Jaclyn.  Thank you Danny Lynch Fitness:  a good New Year's resolution being fulfilled! Happy Birthday Brett!

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