Thursday, November 27, 2014

Day 88-Thanksgiving Celebrations Fifteen Years Apart

Thanksgiving 2014 was always going to be quiet and quaint with Rick, Ryan and I  spending time in Tahoe, but with Uncle Carl's Dad's passing, Rick headed to Utah this morning to have turkey at his parents and to be at the service tomorrow.  Now there were two.  I thought about not cooking a turkey even when there were three of us, but it just did not feel like Thanksgiving without one.  Since Ryan took one of the CPA exams yesterday, he was ready and happy to stay home and vege so that is exactly what we have been doing:  cooking, relaxing, eating, and laughing.  

We have enjoyed having Ryan learn how to carve a turkey wishing Dad were here to demonstrate.  We have made fun and, at the same time, enjoyed our family traditions of the "gratitude talking stick" and reading Thanksgiving at the Tappletons' while observing the empty chairs about the table.  We are truly grateful for our many blessings and send good wishes to our family and friends all over the world.  Sister Jenessa Hutchins even sent us a fabulous video she made of Sister Petramalo and her singing a song, which we all love as we have shared it on our photo stream.  My other children with Ryan and I have been sending each other pictures of our Thanksgiving meals with scrumptious food and good fun.  If we can't be together, we can still be a part of each other's happenings.

The kitchen is clean and we are ready to watch a movie while I tie the blankets I am making for Mae and Henry for Christmas.  We are content, especially knowing the table will be filled at Christmastime.  Life is sweet like our newest tradition of rainbow jello!

Ryan preparing to carve the turkey

Ryan carving the turkey

Ryan making fun of our traditional 
gratitude talking stick 

Char reminding Ryan that reading
Thanksgiving at the Tappletons' is tradition

Thanksgiving 1999 I wrote this poem describing our time together with just our immediate family.  I can't imagine now our family of seven being very quiet, but perhaps it was more calm with less people.  My how time goes by!

This year is quiet--
Apart from the rest
Alone with our
Sweet family
Of seven
Sharing a moment
Of delicious time:
Preparing the turkey
And pumpkin cake,
Viewing the parade,
Hiking a grassy hill
(Mom running uphill),
Eating in the dining room,
Going to the movies
(Toy Story II),
Then home again for more.
More food, laughter, fun and games
(Perhaps even Shania Twain),
Enjoyed in our cozy family room,
Snug and warm
Wrapped in comforters and quilts
Thankfully tucked together
In our family
Of love.

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