Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day 73-Every Page We Read

When my children were small I made the decision to work on a master's degree in reading while keeping my English secondary education credential current. It took five years with summers off for me to complete the program in reading curriculum; I began the program with two children and graduated as my fifth was about to be delivered. Rick and I felt it was a good use of time to be prepared if anything should happen that I would need to work.  Mostly, I tutored others when my children were young and applied my skills at home with my family.

Today I pulled out the dusty old books and reading inventories I use to know how to give and made a lesson plan with study cards.  You see, my friend had a stroke over two years ago and has some difficulty reading and speaking still.  Words like the, this, and, that are more difficult than saying words that conjure up a picture like dog ran fast.  What must it be like to be so incredibly intelligent and verbal on the inside and not be able to share it as well on the outside?

I admired this friend before the stroke for she was generous with her time, talents and skills in helping others, especially young adults who faced many challenges.  I admire her even more now for her determination, courage, and positive attitude in never giving up as she faces her own daily struggles and challenges.  Whenever I leave her home after a visit or a reading session, I make a renewed effort to be like her in attitude and generosity.  I am trying to be more aware of the basic tasks I am able to do everyday, such as kneeling by my bed to pray, pouring milk into my cereal bowl, reading my scriptures, walking with friends, driving a car, grocery shopping and the list goes on.

Everyday is a gift from God.  Our circumstances can change as my friend's did in a heartbeat.  We need to value every breath we take, every word we speak, every page we read, and every life we touch.  To be able to see the blessings in all situations, even the difficult ones that may not ever go away, and to see the best in others and ourselves while we love each other is living life to the fullest.

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