Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 38-Be Still

Today I was anything but still.  I walked with my neighbor, worked in my small garden tearing out old tomato plants that were no longer getting enough sun, had lunch with a new friend who is fighting a courageous battle with cancer, helped another dear friend with her own battles of learning to speak again, made my way to the Apple store to learn how to better use my computer, and then stopped by Barnes and Noble for fun.  Even though I have books on an iPad, I will forever love the 'real thing' with book jackets to touch and pages to turn.  

No, I was not still when you define the word as an adjective meaning 'not moving or making a sound,' but I was still when you define it as a noun meaning 'deep silence and calm'.  Yes, throughout my day there was talking, interaction with others, and even noise around me, but on the inside I felt peaceful which is where I believe deep silence and calm exist as I was doing ordinary activities alone and with others.  

Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still, and know that I am God." Everywhere He was present throughout my day:  in the morning air that I breathed, in the earth that I shoveled, in the people that I shared time with, in the help I received, in the gentle words of a poetry book I read. Today was a gift from God. 

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